The Glasgow Naturalist 27
Supplement: Proceedings of Amphibians and Reptiles Conference
Edited by: Chris McInerny & Iain Wilkie
Editorial: The conservation of amphibian and reptiles in Scotland − the role of publishing C.J. McInerny
1 |
Programme: The Amphibians and Reptiles of Scotland: current research and future challenges
3 |
Conference: The Amphibians and Reptiles of Scotland: current research and future challenges J.R. Downie
7 |
Towards an evidence-based approach for road mitigation schemes for amphibians and reptiles in the U.K. − a review S.O. Petrovan
9 |
The secret life of the adder (Vipera berus) revealed through telemetry N. Hand
13 |
Great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) populations are not one and the
same: Scottish newts respond differently to Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) and abiotic factors L.R. Harper, J.R. Downie & D.C. McNeill
19 |
SuDS and amphibians − are constructed wetlands really benefitting nature and people? D.O’Brien, J. Hall, A. MirĂ³, M. Rae & R. Jehle
21 |
Mitigating the effects of a road on amphibian migrations: a Scottish case
study of road tunnels I.D.C. Hill, C.A. Rossi, S.O. Petrovan, M. Hartup, F. Clark & J.R. Downie
25 |
Long-term monitoring for adders: an evolving methodology R.J. Hodges & C. Seabrook
37 |
Scottish Dragon Finder evaluation V. Larcombe & J. Stead
45 |
Linking water quality with amphibian breeding and development: a case study comparing natural ponds and Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)in East Kilbride, Scotland R.J. Bird, E. Paterson, J.R. Downie & B.K. Mable
49 |
The study and conservation of adders in Scotland C.J. McInerny
67 |
A study of the reptile populations in the Shielhill Glen, Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park, Scotland K. McMillan
73 |
Developing a strategy for the terrestrial amphibians and reptiles of Scotland R. Raynor
75 |
Consultation on SNH draft amphibian and reptile strategy D.C. McNeill
| |
77 |
Infectious disease threats to amphibian conservation A.A. Cunningham
| |
81 |
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