macad Glasgow Natural History Society: Lectures and Tutorials

Winter Programme

Our talks programme will include both in-person and on-line (Zoom) presentations, but we will not attempt hybrid talks. Zoom links will be emailed to members nearer the time. In-person talks will be in the Boyd Orr Building, University Avenue, unless otherwise indicated. Most talks will be on the second Tuesday evening of the month at 7:00pm, but watch out for a few irregular dates and times. Talk abstracts will be added later.

Where there are two lectures listed for an evening, each will last about 30 minutes. Abstracts of the talks and brief biographical details of the speakers will be added here at least a week prior to each meeting.

At the start of most meetings there will be a short time when members can present their recent observations: these can be short talks (about 2 minutes), or interesting specimens, or photographs. It will be helpful if members intending to make such a presentation can let Roger Downie know in advance: email Roger.

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Tuesday 10th: Boyd Orr building LT C
7:00pm Hannah Wilson, Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh. Past, present and future of conifer conservation. Jointly with Glasgow Treelovers and Friends of Glasgow Botanic Gardens.

Saturday 21st: Graham Kerr (Zoology) Building.
Special event related to the centenary of the building. Contribution to the Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival.

Tuesday 8th: Kelvin Hall Lecture Theatre
7:00pm. An evening of forensic bioscience. Professor Lorna Dawson, James Hutton Institute and Robert Gordon University. Natural justice: applying soil and ecological evidence in criminal casework.
Lucy Webster, SASA. Fur and feathers: applying animal DNA evidence in criminal casework. Jointly with the Royal Society of Biology as a contribution to Biology Week.

Tuesday 22nd: Boyd Orr Building LT C
7:00pm. Christine Nicolson. Orchids of Crete. Jointly with Friends of Glasgow Botanic Gardens and the Scottish Orchid Society.

Wednesday 30th: Graham Kerr (Zoology) Building LT1
5:00pm. Professor Sarah Cleaveland FRS gives the annual Blodwen Lloyd Binns lecture on Animal health research: navigating the intersections of multiple global priorities. Lecture preceded by the award of the 2024 BLB prize and followed by a reception in the Zoology Museum. Jointly with staff and students of the School of Biodiversity.

Tuesday 12th: Boyd Orr Building LT C
7:00pm. Ann Lindsay, journalist and author. David Douglas, plant collector- the best kind of clever, adventurous and energetic Scot. This lecture commemorates the start of Douglas’ (and John Scouler’s) expedition to collect plants in north-west America. Jointly with Friends of Glasgow Botanic Gardens and Glasgow Treelovers.

Tuesday 3rd Christmas Social: details to be emailed to members.
Tuesday 10th: Boyd Orr Building LT C
7:00pm. David Stone, UG on his Research on Guillemots in the Baltic.
Folowed by a talk by Dominic McCafferty (GNHS President) - topic to be announced.


Tuesday 14th: Kelvin Hall LT (NB not our usual venue)
7:00pm. Professor Ria Dunkley of the city’s GALLANT project on Connecting communities through urban biodiversity: a pathway to sustainable engagement.

Tuesday 11th: Boyd Orr Building LT C
7:00pm Photographic Night: results of this year’s photographic competition. Any members wishing to show recent photographs or short videos should contact the photography convenor.

Tuesday 11th: Boyd Orr Building LT C
7:00pm. Annual General Meeting and talk:
Catherine Whatley, NatureScot on Scotland’s National Herpetological Strategy, 2025-45.
NB The lecture will precede the AGM. Information on the AGM agenda will be circulated separately to members.

Further events will be added in February 2025