Ben Lomond Inchcailloch foreground in sunlight


As a result of a bequest made by Blodwen Lloyd Binns in 1992, funds are made available by the Society to members (including members of GU ZooSoc) who make application for assistance in carrying out projects of natural history interest.  Preference in grant allocation is given to local over distant projects, and to projects meriting future publication.

Click for more information - please note that the requirements were modified in September 2024.

Download an Application Form (RTF document)- right-click on the link and choose 'Save Target As' to download without opening first.


Reports on some of the projects funded or part-funded by grants from the bequest may be seen here.

Further links will be added here in due course; other reports, available in hard-copy only, are available in the GNHS Library.

Glasgow Natural History Society is a charity registered in Scotland (SC012586)